July 29, 2022
3 Mins to Read

5 best digital marketing agencies in Toronto

5 best digital marketing agencies in Toronto

Are you looking for some of the best marketing agencies in Canada — specifically, the best digital marketing agencies in Toronto?

Look no further: your answers are within this blog. And, just so you know — we won’t be recommending ourselves. Although it’s tempting to name Major Tom 5 times for the ‘5 best digital marketing agencies in Toronto’, we’re not that cheeky. But we are big believers in the power of a well-matched client/agency partnership. It’s why we’re often selective in the clients we bring on; to ensure we can meet their needs and they, ours. We want to empower you to be selective in your choice, too.

Take a look below to see which company is best for your digital marketing needs:

1. Sid Lee 

Sid Lee is “a multidisciplinary global creative agency of brand builders recognized for designing culture-driven communications and experiences.”

Let’s break that down a little. Sid Lee certainly has a multidisciplinary team. They’re made up of creatives, marketing strategists, experiential marketers, and PR professionals. This means that their work can seamlessly integrate online campaigns with offline initiatives. Sid Lee harnesses culture and communicates it through brands — you can see how effective this “online-offline” approach can be in the campaigns they execute. 

Insider tip: if you are considering a Sid Lee campaign, find the budget to make it holistic — involving both experiential and digital marketing will let you get the most out of their expertise.

2. Brand and Mortar

Brand & Mortar is “an award winning full service marketing agency in Toronto with expertise in branding and brand strategy, website design, social media management, content marketing, pay-per-click advertising (PPC) and search engine optimization (SEO).” 

One of the great things about Brand and Mortar is their laundry list of worked-in industries. It’s an expansive resume, so if you’re looking for an agency with experience in building PPC advertising campaigns across the board, look no further. 

Insider tip: if you’re unclear on your budget for digital marketing, Brand and Mortar are adept at scaling campaigns — they’re familiar with  advertising options at a variety of costs.

3. No Fixed Address

No Fixed Address asks you the same thing the founders asked themselves, “What would you do if you weren’t afraid?”. For Dave Lafond, Rachel Lai, and Shannon and Serge Rancourt, the answer was to start a marketing agency that bucked all conventions. They operate under the maxim “no fixed approach, no fixed hours, no fixed hierarchies... because there’s no common approach; each client and campaign is fully unique. Everything can change if there’s a willingness to evolve.”

Insider tip: come to No Fixed Address with ideas that don’t quite fit the mold and see what they can do.

4. John St.

John St. says their mission is to make “our clients’ brands unignorable. We use insight, analytics, intuition and sweat to do it. But we mostly use sweat.” They’re not wrong — the work and commitment this agency puts into their creative campaigns is next level. They also cover the spectrum of social media, digital media, and experiential marketing. 

At John St., you’ll see the team live by a simple — but true — mantra, “People hate advertising. People love ideas.” 

Insider tip: Give John St. creative freedom in your video advertising. jJust look at the concepts they come up with not only for their clients but also for themselves.

5. The & Partnership

The & Partnership brings “ideas and technology together to power brands and businesses.” It’s a full-service advertising agency that has consistently punched above their weight, from startup to finish. They take an extremely collaborative approach, even setting up on-site teams within their clients’ marketing departments to keep the lines of communication open. The results are data-driven work that delivers on marketing goals. 

Insider tip: This is not a “set-it-and-forget-it” agency — be prepared to work with the & Partnership for best results. 

Put in the research before you hire

Knowing what makes for a good agency fit upfront can lead to long-term partnerships and successful relationships that transcend any one campaign. At Major Tom, knowing our clients inside and out — and a mutual trust in our partnership — allows us to innovate on their behalf.

Plus, finding the right agency first saves you the operating costs and headaches that come with a trial-and-error approach down the road. If you want a different approach, you can also go through CJAM Marketing. They have vetted over 500+ agencies and work with a partner list of 70+ as of today. They work as a Marketing Broker connecting businesses to the right marketing partners.

Still asking yourself, “how do I choose a digital marketing agency”? Contact Major Tom for more information on which company is best for digital marketing that delivers on your business goals.

Victoria Samways, Marketing & Brand Manager

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