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Don’t wait till it’s too late: Amazon’s influence on eCommerce

Written by Victoria Samways, Marketing & Brand Manager | Aug 14, 2018 6:30:00 AM

You no doubt understand the importance of SEO, Google Ads, content marketing, social media, and a whole host of other tactics designed to boost your eCommerce business. You’ve probably already invested time and money in them as part of your digital strategy.

So why aren’t you doing the same when it comes to Amazon?

Put simply — Amazon shouldn't just be a concern for your eCommerce business right now, it should be the concern. Indeed I’d go so far as to say that if you have a product that can be sold online and you don’t have an Amazon strategy in place, then you will be out of business within five years.

It’s that important, and here’s why…

A sleeping giant

Amazon is radically changing the eCommerce landscape, moving beyond its role as a retail giant to become a powerhouse of search and advertising that can have a huge impact on businesses’ bottom lines.

Today, more people use Amazon than Google when it comes to conducting product research. In fact, 9 in 10 consumers will check Amazon, even if they have found the product they are looking for on another site.

That’s a lot of eyeballs. However, your business’ success won't just rely on your ability to get in front of them but stopping someone else from getting there before you can.


You need to act now before it’s too late

Because of the way Amazon’s marketplace is set up, it’s incredibly difficult to usurp sellers that have already established their presence. That’s great news for businesses that have been quick to see the opportunity that Amazon provides, but it should be ringing alarm bells for those who haven’t.

After all, if you’re not building a presence for your products in Amazon’s marketplace then you can bet that someone else will be, and by the time you realize how much market share they’re taking from you, it will be too late to do anything about it.

The time to act is now.

Our Amazon-centric services

We work with organizations to strategically identify the right platforms, tactics, and technologies to help deliver their business objectives and then implement them.

Today, we firmly believe that Amazon is one of the biggest of those opportunities, which is why we’ve developed a new suite of specialized services designed to help eCommerce companies establish their presence in the marketplace.

Our aim is to help you dominate the digital marketplace, and our services are designed to do just that.

Amazon is a complex platform that comes with its own rules, and we’ve built a team of in-house experts that know how to play by them.

As a result, we offer complete consultancy to eCommerce companies. From initial setup to final sale, our Amazon experts will organize, optimize, and manage your presence in the marketplace.

We’ve also developed a unique projection model so that we can give clients an accurate picture of what Amazon can do for your business, enabling us to showcase exactly what impact our services can have on your bottom line.

If you’d like to know more check out our video case studies or get in touch to find out how our Amazon experts could help your eCommerce business.