Giants of Africa 

About Giants of Africa

Giants of Africa (GOA) is a non-profit dedicated to improving and enriching the lives of African youth through basketball. The Built Within Tour marked GOA's triumphant return to Africa following a two-year hiatus. They traveled the continent, constructing 11 basketball courts in five countries. The Built Within Tour tells a story of community, opportunity, and how basketball inspires African youth to dream big. 

The Challenge

GOA unveiled the courts to the communities in under one month. But, that short of a timeline and amount of content would have overwhelmed our audience. A further challenge, this campaign held no paid media budget, so GOA relied entirely on organic reach to get these powerful stories out to a global audience.

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The Solution

The construction of 11 courts in five countries was a massive undertaking; our strategy involved inviting our audience on tour with us. By showcasing the stories of the individual communities impacted, we produced emotional, affecting narratives. Behind-the-scenes stories of the GOA team's experience drew the audience in with intimate pieces of content. By gradually trickling out the content over a 2.5-month campaign, the individual courts had a chance to shine.


To execute, we created a series of 18 short, social-media-specific episodes that followed a storytelling framework. GOA's audience, African youth, are most active on Instagram; we adapted episodes for both feed and stories. The storytelling framework ensured we captured each community's backstory before GOA arrived, the unique features of each court, custom-designed for each community with cultural artwork, and the community impact.

The Results

The Built Within Tour was a massive success. It organically generated: 







Major Tom was an incredible partner in bringing this campaign to life. They supported our desire to dream bigger and imagined a campaign that resonated globally. With their experience and strategic thinking we were able to make this truly social-first to maximize our reach and connect with our audience.

Tamara Kamaka, Giants of Africa

Director, PR & Social Media

Major Tom was largely responsible for the dramatic increase in Milk Makeup’s site traffic, and for the resulting increase in profits for the business.

Mila Mendez, Milk Makeup

Vice President of eCommerce and Digital Marketing

Our partnership with Major Tom over the past year has been crucial to our growth.

Carolyn Phillips, Roller Rabbit

Vice President of Marketing and Ecommerce

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