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The Brandvan: Not your typical charity drive

Written by Victoria Samways, Marketing & Brand Manager | Aug 30, 2018 10:00:00 PM

At Major Tom, we encourage and support our team’s creative endeavors. We strive to celebrate each other’s successes, both personally and professionally. Check out one of our team member’s passion projects, the Brandvan.

It takes a community to create a movement. That’s why we’re connecting a community of experts to help scale up social good across the country. As a collective, we’ll increase our impact and reward everyone involved. Individually, we can create something good — but together, we can create change for good.

Brandvan is a nation-wide branding program. The goal is to raise the brands of charities and other social impact organizations. Using creativity as a vehicle, the initiative will support the growth of social good groups.  

As Canada’s first and only mobile content studio, the Brandvan is set to cross the country this September. The innovatively-designed vehicle, fuelled by passion, will be the hub of a creative services team dedicated to helping social good groups achieve their objectives.

Major Tom’s Vickie Hsieh and her Brandvan co-founder Keith Jones are driving across the country to meet with one charity or nonprofit group in each province. Each group is matched with a team of volunteer remote creative professionals. The volunteers will donate their talent in the form of free services related to branding, spatial design, or a specific campaign.

Along the way, the team will document their story to help promote social good across the country. The vision is to amplify the ‘responsible consumer movement’ through storytelling, while indirectly rewarding businesses that lead with purpose.

Follow their journey on Instagram: @thebrandvan.