In the words of a certain Scranton paper company salesman, why not have Some Good News? Right now, Jim’s feel-good initiative just, well, feels good. His WFH project, SGN has spread joy and highlighted the good in the world. His initiatives are so inspiring that we decided to do something too.
Jim has Good News covered, so we decided to give back to our community of people who are WFH. We’re sharing some work-from-home tips from the cast of The Office (thanks Cameo!) and a few, free downloadable assets (find them at the bottom of this page). Take off your couch-pajamas, put on your work-pajamas, and turn up the volume here to get in the zone, because it’s time to get down to business. After all, business is a doggy-dog world and you are a shark who eats doggy dogs.
The Office’s 11 best working-from-home tips:

“Talk classy but don’t act nasty. Don’t shave your head. Don’t get bit by a bat.”
All good advice from Meredith. Remember to keep your language professional even when you’re at home, and of course, be kind. Also, don’t make any rash decisions — especially when it comes to haircuts — and stay safe.
“You don’t have to get dressed up, every day is casual day now. Hang in there, keep up the good work, seriously, keep it up. That’s what she said.”
Meredith goes on to recognize the merits working from home has. You can wear almost anything you like (especially from the waist down) even if it is a tiny, purple dress. Just keep your head and shoulders Zoom-appropriate.

“We are all in the same boat, same basket, same bucket, same swimming pool.”
Jan’s first tip is to remember that we’re all in this together. When you feel isolated, just know you’re not alone. After all, people will never be replaced by machines. In the end, life and business are about human connection. Support your co-workers, whether it’s work-related or not, and remember, business is personal.
“This ain’t gonna last forever, so keep on working from home. And if there’s anything we’ve all learned from this crazy time it’s that when the going gets tough, we gotta just keep on pushin. That’s what she said.”
Second, remember that when things get to be hard, keep pushing through.

“We’re gonna get through this, you’ll be back at work soon doing your in-person shenanigans. Stay strong, stay healthy, cause that is huge. That’s what she said.”
Keep things in perspective! Quarantine is temporary but your health is not — recognize and avoid burnout. So, eat your broccoli, stay strong, and stay healthy. Thank you, Kevin!
“Get a giant pencil.”
Kevin shows us how he works from home: He takes his pencil, does a little writing, then pretends to read things. And that’s “about all I do”. His only advice? “Get a giant pencil. Maybe that will amuse you like it amuses me.” He’s got a great point — like Glenn said, it’s important to keep yourself entertained while in lockdown.

“The only work I do at home, is play. And I’ve been playing quite a bit during this ‘tine, this quarantine. Cause for me it’s a quarantaint.”
Todd Packer has a point: the lines between ‘work’ and ‘play’ start to blur when you’re doing both at home. When your kitchen table doubles as your desk, it can be difficult to separate work from home. It’s important to give yourself clear boundaries between the two.
Whether it’s a quarantine or a quarantaint for you, take care of yourself!

“Just remember you’re doing your part. As long as you’re working from home, we can keep the Coronavirus at bay. Remember, social distance, always wash your hands, and if you have to step out, wear your mask. If people insist on coming to visit you, screen em. Make sure they’re not sick or have a high fever.”
Ah yes, the COVID-19 manifesto: Keep your distance, wash your hands, wear a mask, and do not leave your house if you’re sick. Glenn takes it one step further by suggesting that you screen your home visitors.
“And when you have a Zoom meeting? Make sure you wear pants cause you never know when you gotta POP UP. And if you’re bored at home, turn on the tv, and watch The Office. Laugh like crazy and have a good day.”
Glenn’s right — make sure you wear pants in your Zoom meetings. There’s nothing worse than showing off your underwear to your coworkers or clients. When you’re bored, you can always find solace in rewatching The Office.

“The dust will settle. When I don’t know but it will settle, it has to. And we will get through this period.”
Like Jan, Oscar reiterates that the pandemic will end. The dust will settle, the period we’re in will be over one day. Keep reminding yourself and each other that this is temporary.
“Here’s some tough love, but here you go. Practical advice to help you through this quarantine: if you want to make your toilet paper last longer, use both sides. That’s just pragmatic.”
Amongst other sustainable initiatives, Oscar tells us to be pragmatic and not waste valuable resources. And, more importantly, Oscar’s video serves as a reminder not to take yourself too seriously.
To make your work-from-home experience a little bit better (and, straight up, just to provide some entertainment) the creative team at Major Tom has created a few things you might like.
Useful stuff
10 tips and tools to help marketers avoid burnout

How to overcome creative blocks and Imposter Syndrome

Fun stuff
WFH Employee of the Month template

The Office’s “talking head” Zoom background

Downloadable stress ball

Your very own prop from the show!

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