Building solutions with custom web development

Sometimes, great ideas can't be achieved with a conventional CMS system. To bring your unique ideas to life online, we design, build, and optimize to exceed expectations.


You have a vision but you don't know how to execute it.

Welcome to the "What If?" stage. What if you could provide your offline experience online? What if you could cut down our customer service time by providing a streamlined digital experience? What if you could build a tool that could interactively provide product education? The opportunities are there, now it's time to bring them to life.

Problems custom web development solves

Creative positioning

You've identified an opportunity for competitive growth, but without a dedicated creative team, your idea has no wings.

Revenue opportunities

A static or outdated web platform lacks the necessary flare to create new revenue streams for your business.

Digital transformation

To achieve ongoing success, you need a custom build that delivers on your unique goals.

Common questions you might have about custom web development

This is highly dependent on your individual business requirements and budget. This is one of the first things we work through with incoming clients.

Usually, the answer is no. That being said, we first need to define how this tool fits within a user’s experience. From there, we can decide whether additional custom solutions are needed.

Pricing depends on business needs which is why we've written this article on website costs. We’ve built custom web projects between $100k and $400k. We'll work with you to determine the most effective pricing plan.

We can provide ongoing support or set you up with the right documentation for an internal team to manage.

Do you sense we're a good fit? Do you like our approach to web builds? Find out by reading our in-depth tell-all on Everything you need to know about a web project with Major Tom.

There's no clear path forward.

Are you having trouble finding a technology solution to support your idea?

You may have tried to cobble together a solution already, or maybe you don't know where to start. You're looking for someone who can combine business thinking, design, and development in one place to bring your idea to life.

Do you have a stitched-together solution that needs to be rebuilt for scale?

You had a great idea and have built it piece by piece, but now that the business is growing, you need to expand. You realize the current infrastructure won’t scale, so you're looking for a new solution that can grow alongside your business.

Are you a good fit for this service?

You have a clear idea of the content you want to create and how it fits into your business goals.
You've come prepared with a budget that will allow for optimizations.
You enjoy a collaborative approach to working with agencies. Communicating often and honestly.
You want the agency to find solutions for your web challenges, not simply jump into execution.
You provide constructive feedback.

Ways we can help

A clear solution for your service and platform

We go beyond platform recommendations and help you understand why your web solution should exist and how it will impact your business going forward.

Let us help you
A distinct strategy to guide future growth

All of our builds are created with growth in mind. We will help you create assets that can evolve along with your brand.

Grow your brand
Creative, unique assets that bring ongoing results

With the help of our diverse creative team, we'll set you apart from your competition.


Let's get creative

They were pivotal in achieving our vision of a mobile-first, user friendly, structurally sound, bilingual, and scalable site.

Robin Brewer, Little Potato Company

Digital Marketing Manager

Not only has organic traffic increased, but there has also been overwhelmingly positive feedback regarding the website’s new look.

Roxane Leigh, Montigo

Marketing Manager

Working with Major Tom has been so important to our organization. They are knowledgeable, patient and always ready to support our needs.

Kelsey Davis, Canuck Place

Digital Communications Officer

Clients we believe in

Want to launch your brand into the future? Strap in and let's go!